Reply to Re: MT-NewsWatcher and Intel iMac

Your name:


Posted by freemont on 05/06/06 06:02

On Fri, 05 May 2006 15:40:02 -0700, Donald McDaniel wrote:

> On Thu, 4 May 2006 23:43:50 -0700, Michelle Steiner wrote (in article
> <>):
>> In article <Xns97B99E91D8B74httpwwwneredbojiasco@>,
>> Neredbojias <> wrote:
>>>> Michelle simply cannot see from another person's point of view, even
>>>> if she tries. Nothing you or anyone says will change her mind. Her
>>>> fanaticism for Macs has totally warped any human rationality or
>>>> compassion she may possess.
>>> ...In other words, she's a woman.
>> Oh, so you hate women too, huh?
> Michelle, I doubt very seriously whether either of us "hate women also".
> Even if you were a man, I would still say what I have said (and if I'm not
> mistaken, I HAVE said the same sorts of things to other Mac fanatics, male
> or female, whether I suspected their gender or not.)
> I have no idea what your gender is, except by the name you use in this
> forum.
> I don't know many men with the name "Michelle", however. In fact, I know
> of
> none (except a Roman Catholics, and they are all kind of "weird", and will
> name either their sons or daughters "Jesus Mary", or "Mary Joseph", or
> some such.). Anyway, I must assume you are female in gender, since you
> appear to present yourself as a woman.)
> And what I say now I say straight from the heart, Michelle: I do not hate
> you in any way. There is no hatred for you in my heart, and Christ knows
> all hearts.
> I do not despise you in any way, either. Nor do I pity you. I love you
> and respect you as the child and image of God you are, but who is
> currently in rebellion against Him. I respect your ability to make
> autonomous choices, which God gave you, and I will certainly honor any
> choices you make in your life, just as He does (of course, I also realize
> that you must also pay the consequences for your actions, as God demands
> of all human beings and all angels, even the Holy Angels.
> If you want me to no longer respond to your posts, just ask me, and I will
> honor that request, even though I have every right to respond to them as
> an American citizen, since this is a public newsgroup. I will not even
> respond to your request. I will simply stop responding to your posts,
> forever. I promise this in the Presence of our Creator.
> NOTE, Michelle: As a follower of Christ, I am not supposed to make oaths
> of any kind, for He commands us, "do not make oaths...even by God's
> Footstool or God Himself: simply say "yes or no...", so I incur further
> debt (which I am totally unable to pay, since the payment would be my
> eternal life) to the Creator by doing it (not to mention that I already
> already owe Him for my continued existence), for which He will certainly
> discipline me eventually. This may not mean much to you (or anyone else,
> for that matter), but it "means the world to me". If you know me at all,
> you know I am deadly serious when I say this.)
> After all, a man's word is his life, Michelle. We have nothing else to
> offer anyone, in the long run, when all is collated and placed in the
> folios containing the records of our lives.
> Just ask politely, Michelle, and it will be done immediately. PERIOD.
> In addition, what I write to you IN PUBLIC is posted IN PUBLIC, for ALL to
> read. I am not afraid of the Truth. How about you?

Is Donald your real name?

"Because all you of Earth are idiots!"
¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·-> freemont© <-·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯

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