Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 05/06/06 07:25
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> skrev i meddelandet
> news:445c1d95$0$3706$cb0e7fc6@news.centralva.net...
>> Nico Schuyt wrote:
> http://www.htmlhelp.com/cgi-bin/validate.cgi?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.scaiecat-spa-gigi.com%2F&warnings=yes&spider=yes&hidevalid=yes
>>> The closing tag </th> is probably optional.
>> It is, but the other errors he has made are not. Also his inconstancy
>> with closing tags makes it damn confusing!
> You did not mention so many errors,
I pointed out some...as I said your coding style is not 'pretty' and not
conducive to debugging.
> actually and on the other hand, if you
> had done it and they had not been optional,
Yes, in HTML 4.01 some elements have optional closing tags. Personally I
find using all option closing tags makes debugging easier because it set
a definite end to a block of markup analogous to braces '{}' enclosing a
code block in C++ or Perl. However being inconsistent within document
close some but not others (as you have done) is very confusing and make
debugging nearly impossible.
> the question would have been unanswered that is about why the validator had
> not displayed them....
Don't know I said. Maybe you confused the beejeebers out of it, you have
a gift with confusion.
Take care,
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