Reply to Re: MT-NewsWatcher and Intel iMac

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Posted by Michelle Steiner on 05/06/06 08:13

In article <>,
Donald McDaniel <> wrote:

> >>> Michelle simply cannot see from another person's point of view,
> >>> even if she tries. Nothing you or anyone says will change her
> >>> mind. Her fanaticism for Macs has totally warped any human
> >>> rationality or compassion she may possess.
> >>
> >> ...In other words, she's a woman.
> >
> > Oh, so you hate women too, huh?
> Michelle, I doubt very seriously whether either of us "hate women
> also".

"Neredbojias" made a very derogatory comment about women in response to
your hateful lies about me. The logical conclusion is that he hates
women. You, though, hate everyone who dares to disagree with you.

> And what I say now I say straight from the heart, Michelle: I do not
> hate you in any way. There is no hatred for you in my heart,

If you did not hate me, you wouldn't be spreading those hateful lies
about me.

> and Christ knows all hearts.

And therefore, he knows that you have hate in your heart, despite your
self-serving profession to the contrary.

> I do not despise you in any way, either. Nor do I pity you. I love
> you and respect you as the child and image of God you are,

Excuse me for a moment while I puke. Your hateful lies and hateful
attitude belie that self-serving hypocritical claptrap.

> but who is currently in rebellion against Him.

Standing up to liars like you who profane the name of God with spreading
hatefulness in his name does not mean that I am in rebellion against God.

And I believe that should there ever be a judgement, I'll fare much
better than you ever will.

Stop Mad Cowboy Disease: Impeach the son of a Bush.

[Back to original message]

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