Reply to Re: MT-NewsWatcher and Intel iMac

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Posted by Michelle Steiner on 05/06/06 08:44

In article <>,
Donald McDaniel <> wrote:

> > Have you ever installed it [Win XP] on an Intel Macintosh with Boot
> > Camp? If not, you do not know this for a fact.
> Then I know it for a fact.

then why didn't you say so in the first place? I never made any claims
about whether it could be done; all I did was question the grounds for
your statement that it could. But that was enough to send you off on
one of your irrational tirades.

In the meantime, you still have yet to acknowledge your error in the

> >> Unlike Apple, which will not allow its OS to be distributed as an
> >> OEM,

And in your error that Mac OS can't be installed on a Machine that
doesn't already have Mac OS installed.

Stop Mad Cowboy Disease: Impeach the son of a Bush.

[Back to original message]

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