Reply to Re: Select of invisible text

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Posted by Nije Nego on 05/06/06 11:04

On Fri, 5 May 2006 23:28:13 -0600, Ig wrote:

Please do not top post!
It is difficult to follow the thread if you do.

>> Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Ig" <>
>> writing in
>> Please do not top post -- top posting corrected
>>> "Jonathan N. Little" <> wrote in message
>>> news:445c1ea6$0$3706$
>>>> Ig wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I have a text in my page that I made its font of white color to be
>>>>> invisible.
>>>>> But when I select with cursor this part of the page all words become
>>>>> visible.
>>>>> How could this be prevented?
>>>> Don't put them there! Why are your trying so hard to content that
>>>> cannot be seen. Not user friendly to require a secret decoder ring to
>>>> view your pages.
>>> This is the only way I found to make eBay's search to work for me. And
>>> it works !
>>> So please, I need technical solution and not life advices.
>>> Thank you.
>> You could very easily run afoul of Ebay and any other search engine,
>> Google in particular. This is _not_ and good thing to do, and Ebay's
>> policy may result in a range of actions including:
>> 1. Listing cancellation
>> 2. Limits on account privileges
>> 3. Account suspension
>> 4. Forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings
>> 5. Loss of PowerSeller status
>> --
>> Adrienne Boswell
>> Please respond to the group so others can share

> Didn't think about this...:(
> Anyway, it would be interesting to know technical aspect of this issue - is
> it possible to avoid selection on part of a page.
> Thank you guys for your advices.
> "Adrienne Boswell" <> wrote in message
> news:Xns97BADEB97CA7Aarbpenyahoocom@

Having text displayed on the page (even in white - it is still a text and
that's why Ebay can read it), the only technical solution - not to see it
when selected - is to close your eyes, and also try to force all other
users to do it.

You could also consider to put text in a element which would have atribute
hidden in css, but I do not think you are familliar with css.

I am certain that you will be penalized for doing this - cheating.

buy, bought, bye

[Back to original message]

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