Reply to Re: <div class="position"> and <div class" section">

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Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 05/06/06 16:55

"Toby Inkster" <> skrev i meddelandet
> Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> > Now assuming that we use <h1> to display sections, I guess that we
> > use <h2> to display subsections but how should I call the class
> > referring to the menu on the left then?
> Aha! At last a sensible question from Luigi!

I would rather say at last a question from Luigi which you find sensible.

What is the best way to
> structure a page into sections when some of them are not really part of
> the document, but are navigation.
> I think conventional wisdom is to do something like this:
> h1 = British Royal Family
> h2 = The Queen
> h2 = Price Charles
> h3 = Marriage to Lady Diana Spencer
> h3 = Marriage to Camilla Parker-Bowles
> h2 = Prince Andrew
> h3 = Marriage to Sarah Fergusson
> h2 = Prince Edward
> h2 = Princess Anne
> h2 = Site Search
> h2 = Navigation Menu
> But do the Site Search and Navigation Menu really deserve to be on the
> same level as the main subsection headings? They're not really sections of
> the main article.

They are not.
But the website deals with several activities and I find it useful that the
user who enters one of its pages
can have an overview of the main contents of the whole website.

> Currently on my site I'm using:
> h1 = British Royal Family
> h2 = The Queen
> h2 = Price Charles
> h3 = Marriage to Lady Diana Spencer
> h3 = Marriage to Camilla Parker-Bowles
> h2 = Prince Andrew
> h3 = Marriage to Sarah Fergusson
> h2 = Prince Edward
> h2 = Princess Anne
> h6 = Site Search
> h6 = Navigation Menu
> Which does mark out a distinction between document headings and all those
> extra bits that are common on web pages, but it's still not very
> satisfying.

I am not sure that it is correct to jump from
h3 to h6 and which connection do you find between h3 and
h6 in your example?

Luigi Donatello Asero

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