Posted by Peter Fox on 05/07/06 11:04
Following on from Paul Herber's message. . .
>On Sat, 6 May 2006 17:05:30 +0100, Peter Fox
><peterfox@eminent.demon.co.uk.not.this.bit.no.html> wrote:
>>I'm at a loose end this afternoon and thought that I might and build the
>>UK Government's ID card system in PHP.
>Just one fundamental flaw in your proposal, Peter:
>From your records in the national ID database (which of course I can
>see as I am the assistant toilet cleaner at the Works & Pensions Dept
>office (outsourced to Bangalore, Inc)) I can see no entry in the 'I
>support Tony's Cronies fund'.
>I sure that there are also problems with using PHP (doesn't cost
>enough, not enough serious security problems, no 'Built for Windows
>XP' logo ...)
Well I'm getting desperate. My last UK-gov application "Honours
on-line" has mysteriously been pulled. I suspect some busybodies have
got it mixed up with politics. (That was money for old rope.)
PETER FOX Not the same since the exam marking business failed
2 Tees Close, Witham, Essex.
Gravity beer in Essex <http://www.eminent.demon.co.uk>
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