Posted by ironcorona on 05/07/06 22:49
Drew wrote:
>> *Any* browser will show you the XML. Different browsers will do
>> things to it in order to make it more useful to someone reading it.
> Ok, so I guess my question is then what browsers will format it in a way
> that is easily read
I do see what you mean and the answer is that IE7 will make it look most
like a webpage. But this isn't the whole concern. It's unlikely that
you'll want to be reading the XML by itself in this context. RSS is
really just for syndication and is only meant to be read by a feed
reader. Browsers aren't really set up to do much with RSS because if
you're going to be reading styled up RSS feeds on a browser you might as
well just go and read it off the main web site.
RSS feeds are designed to be read by feed readers so that you don't have
to waste a lot of time navigating to people's web sites. Some of them
do aggregation so that, for instance, if you had feeds from five
websites in your reader it would display the new posts as they are
published on the web instead of grouping them up into sections depending
on the website they come from.
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