Reply to ALT.HTML Statistics for 07/05/2006

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Posted by Toby Inkster on 05/07/06 22:07

=========================== alt.html Statistics ============================
Total posts considered: 1,079 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun Apr 30 21:01:06 2006
Latest article: Sun May 7 20:01:07 2006
Original articles: 71, replies: 1,008
Total size of posts: 2,336,241 bytes (2,281 kbytes) (2.23 Mbytes)
Average 154 articles per day, 0.32 Mbytes per day, 2,165 bytes per article
Total headers: 1,192 kbytes, bodies: 1,089 kbytes
Body: quoted 507 kbytes, original 487 kbytes = 49.01%, sigs 93 kbytes
Total number of posters: 156, average 14,975 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 87, average 26,853 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 31

==================== Top Posters by Number of Messages =====================
Poster Msgs
1: Neredbojias .................................................... 91
2: Luigi Donatello Asero .......................................... 80
3: dorayme ........................................................ 63
4: ironcorona ..................................................... 59
5: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 58
6: Toby Inkster ................................................... 49
7: Michael Laplante ............................................... 36
8: JDS ............................................................ 25
9: Mark Parnell ................................................... 25
10: Jim Moe ........................................................ 20
11: David Dorward .................................................. 20
12: Jose ........................................................... 19
13: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................................ 18
14: Michelle Steiner ............................................... 17
15: Blinky the Shark ............................................... 16
16: Els ............................................................ 15
17: Donald McDaniel ................................................ 15
18: Nije Nego ...................................................... 15
19: Andy Dingley ................................................... 14
20: Onideus Mad Hatter ............................................. 14

======================= Top Posters by Size (kbytes) =======================
Poster Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: Luigi Donatello Asero .......... 93 60 25 8 188
2: Neredbojias .................... 110 40 24 3 179
3: Jonathan N. Little ............. 72 36 17 6 132
4: ironcorona ..................... 55 34 19 0 110
5: dorayme ........................ 55 23 29 0 109
6: Donald McDaniel ................ 22 33 33 5 95
7: Toby Inkster ................... 41 7 33 8 90
8: Michael Laplante ............... 39 8 17 6 71
9: Onideus Mad Hatter ............. 16 15 38 0 69
10: Michelle Steiner ............... 25 9 11 0 47
11: Mark Parnell ................... 32 5 6 2 46
12: JDS ............................ 33 3 4 4 46
13: Jose ........................... 26 3 9 1 41
14: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........ 24 7 3 0 35
15: David Dorward .................. 19 6 7 3 35
16: Jim Moe ........................ 24 4 3 1 35
17: Alan J. Flavell ................ 11 4 15 0 32
18: Els ............................ 19 8 2 1 31
19: Blinky the Shark ............... 15 8 3 3 31
20: Barbara de Zoete ............... 14 4 4 2 25

================== Top Posters by Original Text (kbytes) ===================
Poster Total
1: Onideus Mad Hatter ............................................. 38
2: Toby Inkster ................................................... 33
3: Donald McDaniel ................................................ 33
4: dorayme ........................................................ 29
5: Luigi Donatello Asero .......................................... 25
6: Neredbojias .................................................... 24
7: ironcorona ..................................................... 19
8: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 17
9: Michael Laplante ............................................... 17
10: Alan J. Flavell ................................................ 15

=================== Highest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
1: klloyd ......................................... 0 2 86
2: Drew ........................................... 0 2 81
3: Jukka K. Korpela ............................... 1 6 80
4: Domestos ....................................... 1 7 76
5: Alan J. Flavell ................................ 4 20 76
6: Onideus Mad Hatter ............................. 15 53 71
7: Toby Inkster ................................... 7 49 68
8: Jaxtraw ........................................ 5 15 66
9: Andy Dingley ................................... 2 6 62
10: Jose ........................................... 3 15 62

==================== Lowest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
1: Mimic .......................................... 2 4 13
2: Blinky the Shark ............................... 8 15 20
3: Els ............................................ 8 12 22
4: Ed Mullen ...................................... 4 7 22
5: Jake ........................................... 5 9 23
6: Luigi Donatello Asero .......................... 60 94 26
7: Nije Nego ...................................... 8 12 26
8: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................ 7 11 28
9: Jonathan N. Little ............................. 36 60 29
10: Edwin van der Vaart ............................ 4 10 30

==================== Top Threads By Number of Messages =====================
Thread Msgs
1: no target="_blank".............................................. 70
2: MT-NewsWatcher and Intel iMac................................... 65
3: I Dunno...Somethin.............................................. 57
4: Limiting content width - DIV or BODY?........................... 56
5: How to distinguish several <div>................................ 46
6: W3C complience checker and conformance.......................... 46
7: Survey or poll on Internet dislikes............................. 42
8: Firefox as text browser......................................... 39
9: Web accessibility............................................... 36
10: <div class="position"> and <div class" section">................ 35
11: Getting a table to size correctly............................... 35
12: Blank area above content........................................ 34
13: What is a website-analyzer?..................................... 26
14: problem w/link color............................................ 25
15: Stylesheets vs hard coding on a page made with NO font tags, ... 24
16: Simple HTML question............................................ 20
17: Web-safe typefaces.............................................. 20
18: Web design program recommendation wanted for schools............ 18
19: Framesets....................................................... 17
20: Cascading Style Sheet Hazard.................................... 16

======================= Top Threads By Size (kbytes) =======================
Thread Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: MT-NewsWatcher and Intel iMac... 91 61 54 7 216
2: I Dunno...Somethin.............. 68 48 49 3 170
3: no target="_blank".............. 70 26 27 8 133
4: Limiting content width - DIV or. 69 20 32 8 131
5: <div class="position"> and <div. 42 32 17 3 95
6: How to distinguish several <div. 54 20 13 3 91
7: W3C complience checker and conf. 49 16 14 3 84
8: Survey or poll on Internet disl. 46 18 17 1 84
9: Web accessibility............... 45 23 7 3 79
10: Firefox as text browser......... 43 20 7 2 74
11: Getting a table to size correct. 38 13 15 2 70
12: Blank area above content........ 38 7 8 3 57
13: What is a website-analyzer?..... 34 13 7 2 57
14: Stylesheets vs hard coding on a. 32 9 4 1 48
15: problem w/link color............ 30 6 9 0 46
16: Web-safe typefaces.............. 18 9 14 0 43
17: Web design program recommendati. 23 6 7 1 38
18: Simple HTML question............ 21 6 6 1 35
19: where can i get IE for os x?.... 17 8 6 0 32
20: Link tags within a container.... 11 9 8 1 31

========================= Most Replied-To Messages =========================
Message-ID Replies
1: <>................................ 18
2: <>.......... 15
3: <>.................... 15
4: <>......... 10
5: <>......... 9
6: <>......... 8
7: <>......... 8
8: <>......... 8
9: <>.......... 8
10: <>................................ 7

========================= Most Cross-Posted Groups =========================
Group Msgs
1: comp.sys.mac.comm............................................... 65
2: alt.2600........................................................ 42
3: 39
4: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk............................. 39
5: alt.usenet.kooks................................................ 35
6: 33
7: alt.hackers.malicious........................................... 29
8: comp.sys.mac.apps............................................... 14
9: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html............................. 13
10: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet........................ 11

=================== Top User-Agents by Number of Posters ===================
User-Agent Posters
1: G2.............................................................. 42
2: Outlook Express................................................. 27
3: Thunderbird (Windows.................................... 10
4: Forte Agent..................................................... 10
5: Mozilla......................................................... 9
6: 40tude Dialog................................................... 7
7: Xnews........................................................... 6
8: MT-NewsWatcher.................................................. 6
9: Pan............................................................. 4
10: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 4

================== Top User-Agents by Number of Messages ===================
User-Agent Msgs
1: Outlook Express................................................. 190
2: Xnews........................................................... 107
3: Mozilla......................................................... 106
4: G2.............................................................. 104
5: MT-NewsWatcher.................................................. 94
6: Pan............................................................. 85
7: Thunderbird (Windows.................................... 79
8: 40tude Dialog................................................... 77
9: Forte Agent..................................................... 47
10: KNode........................................................... 30

======= Bandwidth-Wasting User-Agents by Average Header Size (bytes) =======
User-Agent Hdrs Msgs Avg
1: Hogwasher....................................... 25803 17 1517
2: Unison.......................................... 8645 6 1440
3: Netscape........................................ 26732 19 1406
4: Mozilla......................................... 134519 106 1269
5: 40tude Dialog................................... 94514 77 1227
6: Xnews........................................... 130060 107 1215
7: G2.............................................. 122874 104 1181
8: Mozilla Thunderbird............................. 19873 17 1169
9: Opera M2........................................ 14652 13 1127
10: Pine............................................ 12229 11 1111

===================== Top Servers by Number of Posters =====================
1: 42
2: 14
3: 5
4: 5
5: 5
6: 4
7: 4
8: 3
9: hw-filter.phx................................................... 3
10: 2

======================= Top Servers by Size (kbytes) =======================
Server Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: 126 47 68 18 261
2: 93 60 25 8 188
3: 119 21 44 1 186
4: DIALUPUSA.NET................... 110 40 24 3 179
5: 55 34 19 0 110
6: 63 28 13 4 110
7: 55 23 29 0 109
8: 22 33 33 5 95
9: hw-filter.phx................... 27 20 42 2 93
10: 40 10 18 6 76

=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Posters ====================
Zone Posters
1: -0700........................................................... 53
2: UTC............................................................. 30
3: +0100........................................................... 20
4: +0200........................................................... 19
5: -0400........................................................... 12
6: -0500........................................................... 8
7: +1000........................................................... 5
8: -0600........................................................... 4
9: +0800........................................................... 3
10: +1200........................................................... 1

=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Messages ===================
Zone Msgs
1: UTC............................................................. 241
2: -0400........................................................... 196
3: -0700........................................................... 193
4: +0100........................................................... 159
5: +1000........................................................... 98
6: +0200........................................................... 88
7: +0800........................................................... 63
8: -0500........................................................... 23
9: -0600........................................................... 11
10: +0300........................................................... 4

================= Days When We are Most in Need of a Life ==================
Day Msgs
1: Mon............................................................. 64
2: Tue............................................................. 123
3: Wed............................................................. 96
4: Thu............................................................. 176
5: Fri............................................................. 243
6: Sat............................................................. 166
7: Sun............................................................. 85
8: Non-RFC822 Header............................................... 126

Stats compiled by Toby Inkster.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Contact Me ~

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