Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 05/11/06 12:12
Manfred Ullrich wrote:
> I have a table and within a <td> </td> more than one line text.
Do you have a URL for the page?
> When printing the text is splitted and so on different pages.
That's quite possible. It depends on the browser.
> How can I avoid this?
Mostly, you can't. If you had posted the URL, some solution for a
special case might have been found.
Typically, removing all width and height attributes (and their CSS
counterparts) is a good start in making the page adapt to various
rendering situations, including printing.
> I will have the table completely on ONE page.
You can say
table { page-break-inside: avoid; }
in CSS, but as far as I know, all browsers ignore it. Besides, it can at
most be a wish, since you cannot know the size of a printed page in the
user's environment.
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