Posted by Michael Laplante on 01/16/60 11:47
"Neredbojias" <http://www.neredbojias.com/fliam.php?cat=alt.html> wrote in
message news:Xns97C0783FC4826httpwwwneredbojiasco@
> To further the education of mankind, "Michael Laplante"
> <nowhereman@twilightzone.net> vouchsafed:
> Do you really need to do something in script to have the menu work the
> way you want it to?
Suckerfish -- as Toby suggested -- would work terrific, if not for that damn
IE thing.
> For that reason, navigation should
> never rely on script; if used at all, script should only enhanced the
> operation of a viable stand-alone system.
52 items makes any sort of a "list" unworkable. :(
>> I've thought of:
>> i. iframes but I don't think these are supported beyond the last
>> generation of browsers;
>> ii. a site map but that introduces one extra step everytime someone
>> wants to go to a different location;
> If I _had to_ pick one of the 3 options, I'd probably do i. iii isn't a
> solution, anyway.
Thx for the input. 52 items might even make that option unwieldy -- I'll
have to play around for a bit.
> Toby can be aloof and choleric
?! I find him one of the more non-judgemental, helpful people here -- can't
say I've ever seen a cranky response from him.
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