Posted by Gus Richter on 10/06/13 11:47
Paul Watt wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I get the menu text to sit at the bottom of the Div?
> http://www.paulwatt.info/test/anna/
I would give position:relative; to .header and to the child .topmenu
give position:absolute;right:0;bottom:0; and remove float:right;
Applying vertical-align:bottom; to .header accomplishes nothing. I
suspect that you wished this to align the image to the bottom of your
header box, so remove it from .header and create a new declaration
img{vertical-align:bottom;} to make it happen.
When using XHTML 1.0, Appendix "C" must be applied. You correctly
applied the xmlns attribute to the html element, but you forgot to apply
the minimized tag syntax (trailing /), with at least one space before
the trailing / for compatibility, to the empty elements LINK and IMG.
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