Posted by Ed Mullen on 12/26/65 11:47
Spartanicus wrote:
> Ed Mullen <ed@edmullen.net> wrote:
>>> The real installed figures:
>>> Opera: 5.33mb
>>> FF: 15.7mb
>> Not sure how you have only a 5.3 Mb program install size for Opera.
> The size after a clean install:
> http://homepage.ntlworld.ie/spartanicus/opera.png
Well, ok. Still, you had no comment on my figures. So, umm, "your
thing, my thing." Not arguing, just noting that I posted my figures, you
posted yours, and now we're just, apparently, err, avoiding the issue, eh?
Ed Mullen
A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. - Douglas
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