Posted by Ed Mullen on 11/24/82 11:47
Spartanicus wrote:
> Ed Mullen <ed@edmullen.net> wrote:
>>>>> Opera: 5.33mb
>>>>> FF: 15.7mb
>>>> Not sure how you have only a 5.3 Mb program install size for Opera.
>>> The size after a clean install:
>>> http://homepage.ntlworld.ie/spartanicus/opera.png
>> Well, ok. Still, you had no comment on my figures.
> Here's a hint: I can't look on your hard drive to see what is in your
> Opera folders.
> The size I posted is what Opera expands to excluding user data such as
> cache, bookmarks mailbase etc.
Yeah, well, you snipped all of my original post which stated the basis
for my figures. The size I posted is as I indicated, no cache, no mail,
and the same imported bookmarks file from my SeaMonkey/Firefox installs
(500Kb). So, can you account for the difference in our installation
sizes? Hey, I don't really care, but you were the one who posted "The
real installed figures" in the first place.
Ed Mullen
Why do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight?
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