Posted by Travis Newbury on 05/15/06 13:51
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> I think
> it's a download speed issue, where it's rendering the calendar before
> it has a chance to access all the data it needs from the PHP
> scripts/SQL database.
Actually it has nothing to do with the download speed. Well, I should
say "it shouldn't", not if you are coding the data IO piece correctly
by using the onLoad() event handler.
var MyLoader:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
MyLoader.onLoad = function(success) {
// do your calendar initialization here
// handle an exception here
Of course this example is for LoadVars, but all Flashes IO objects have
the onLoad() or some similar event so you can easily adapt it to what
ever you are using to read the data. These events were added back in
Flash mx to eliminate the exact problems you seem to be having.
> But right now I'm gonna go do something watch
> a movie or something.
Or read your blog...
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