Reply to Re: Bloggish Things Of Varying Sorts

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Posted by Tim Weaver on 05/16/06 00:23

Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:

> On Sun, 14 May 2006 17:49:12 -0500, Tim Weaver <>
> wrote:
>>Veronica Karlsson wrote:
>>> Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
>>>> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
>>>> ...your website is *SO* fucking pathetic Veronica that I actually feel
>>>> SORRY for you...and I mean, WOW, to get ME, Onideus Mad Hatter to
>>>> actually feel PITY for someone ONLINE...yeah, you REALLY gotta be
>>>> tryin.
>>> Lots of words. None of which change the fact that your page sucks.
> bwa-HAAHAA!!!
> The quarter MILLION or so people who visit my server seem to think
> otherwise.
> See you can say my sites suck as much as you want...but your
> NONpinions aren't worth shit without some relevant argument behind
> them. And the bottom line is that you stupid, jealous fools HAVE NO
> arguments, all you have is whiney little bitch snits about how much
> you covet my work. The majority of you pathetic fools couldn't even
> DREAM of creating a site as advanced as some of the ones I've put
> together. Fact of the matter is...yer just a bunch of fuckin poser
> ass wannabes. So if you don't like my sites, if you wanna sit there
> dribbling in yer pullups and start whining about how much you think
> they "suck"...log the fuck off, Stupid, go somewhere else, cause I
> sure as FUCK didn't make ANY of sites for trainable muppet fuck
> tweenage Ritalin addicts like you stupid kids.

Feel better?

Your site sucks...*HARD*.

Tim Weaver

I know you think you understand what you thought I said,
but I am not so sure what you heard is not what I meant.

[Back to original message]

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