Posted by Neredbojias on 05/18/06 02:35
To further the education of mankind, David McDivitt
<x12code-del@del-yahoo.com> vouchsafed:
> Another fellow here must modify an application. On the web page,
> pressing the enter key causes the form to submit. What users want is
> to remove enter key functionality from within a textarea and cause the
> enter key to submit the form, AND cause the F6 key to do what the
> enter key used to do inside the text area. The idea I suggested is to
> trap keystrokes in the text area, If the enter key is pressed, do the
> submit method. If F6 is pressed, disable the enter key test then
> emulate an enter key by creating an event object. The textarea should
> then insert a new line as if the enter key was pressed. would that be
> the right approach and has anyone done something similar. Thanks
If it _can_ be done (-I think it can,) comp.lang.javascript would be the
best place to find out how.
Infinity has its limits.
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