Posted by dorayme on 05/18/06 06:10
In article <gyQag.28689$4L1.11371@newssvr11.news.prodigy.com>,
"GMach3" <gmach@gkmtradingdot.com> wrote:
> Pardon me if this has been asked before or if this is too basic. I'm am the
> webmaster for my church's website which is done in FP (please refrain from
> tossing rotten eggs at me.)
> The powers that be would like to post the church newsletter on the site,
> which in itself is not hard. I've created a directory for the newsletter
> (ex. www.mysite.com/newsletter). With my previous host, I could simply go
> to the subdirectory and see the contents, however my current host pops up a
> huge 403:Forbidden message which says that the attempt to access the
> directory should not be repeated.
> I put an index.htm page in that folder, and it appears fine. What I'd like
> to do is have it display the contents of the directory dynamically and have
> links to each newsletter. I know how to do it manually, but would rather it
> be automatic so the secretary can upload the file and I won't have to
> manually update the page.
> Any help is appreciated.
> ~G~
The church (even God Himself maybe) has expressly forbidden this.
You or the church can change this via a .htaccess doc on the
server. read about it at:
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