Posted by Bob on 05/18/06 12:16
Toby Inkster wrote:
> Bob wrote:
>> DOM is basically CSS + Javascript
> Not really -- these three concepts are fairly independent -- as
> independent as, say, HTML and CSS[1][2]. There are browsers that
> support a DOM but not CSS[3]; and browsers that allow you to
> manipulate the DOM without using Javascript[4].
> You may be thinking of "DHTML" which is an old buzz-word for
> HTML + DOM + CSS + Javascript.
> The DOM is basically a tree structure that the browser creates in
> memory when it parses an HTML document[5], and (if the browser
> supports CSS) will also have styling information attached as "leaves".
> This tree (including all its branches and leaves) can then be
> inspected and manipulated using Javascript, or any other scripting
> language that the host browser offers[6]. As the tree is manipulated
> the browser updates the display of the page to match, allowing
> for DOM manipulation to produce dynamic effects on-page.
> ____
> 1. CSS can be used to style non-HTML documents -- e.g. RSS.
> 2. HTML can be styled using non-CSS style sheets -- e.g. JSSS
> (Netscape 4.x)
> 3. Netscape 2 and 3.
> 4. Internet Explorer 4+ on Windows, with VBScript.
> 5. Any structured document can have a DOM, but HTML and XML are
> most common.
> 6. As per #4, VBScript is supported in some browsers. Mozilla's
> roadmap includes the ability to "plug in" scripting modules allowing
> DOM scripting in Perl, Python, etc:
> http://www.mozilla.org/scriptable/agnostic.html
About the best definition I have seen so far.
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