Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 05/19/06 05:21
In article <Xns97C7ADE08B5D0httpwwwneredbojiasco@>,
Neredbojias <http://www.neredbojias.com/fliam.php?cat=alt.html> says...
(Dang SeaMonkey is not posting again so back to Gravity)
> > Not surprising, they are a rare breed, < 100 registered with the AKC
> > each year. They are basically a rabbit dog, for hunting without a gun
> > in rocky, hilly, scrubby land of the Belaric Islands off of Spain.
> > Catch and retrieve prey--many times live. I've got a picture around
> > here somewhere of one of ours bringing a *live* young wild turkey to
> > the house. Caused a little pandemonium in the living room!
> Wow, that is rare. I used to, uh, help raise chihuahuas when they were
> considered semi-rare. (-Don't ask...)
Chihuahuas, now they are vicious little beggars!
> One time in college I went out on a buddy's dad's farm before Thankgiving
> to "gather" turkeys for the holiday. Yeah, right... A suit of armor
> wouldn't have been too much protection.
Really? I've raise chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. Geese were by far
the most troublesome, turkeys well they sort of live up to their name!
> > Everything was fine until they 'upgraded' their servers about 2 years
> > ago (major expansion?). They now have some strange config where the
> > static content is handled by one set of servers and dynamic on others.
> > The result reared its ugly head when my 404 handling script failed.
> > Redirects cannot be done without a full URL so that a dynamic URL
> > rewritten to appear as a static URL will not work, the real dynamic
> > one will always appear in the address bar. Kinda blows with current
> > trends to interface with a MySQL database! SO I am hosting hunting...
> The worst part about the whole thing from my point of view is I only
> vaguely understand it... I kinda get the dynamic vs. static thing but
> not the "...dynamic URL rewritten to appear as static..." This could be
> because my brain is dynamic except when it gets a lot of static.
What I mean by static vs dynamic is to a static page like:
where as one can use CGI to dynamically generate a page or pull from a
Now normally you can take dynamically created pages like:
and with a .htaccess write the url to give the appearance of a static
^articles/([a-z].*)/[\d]* article.php?topic=$1&date=$2 [L]
and the url becomes:
Much nicer, but I cannot do this on FatCow the way the have their servers
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