Posted by Terry on 05/19/06 02:12
Andy Jeffries wrote:
> On Thu, 18 May 2006 10:20:17 -0500, Terry wrote:
>><input type=\"text\" id=\"grip\"
>> name=\"grip\" maxlength=\"60\" size=\"60\" value=\"$row[4]\">
>>$description will display whatever is entered ' and " $grip will
>>truncate anything after the " when the record comes up for modification.
> The answer is simple, your content contains a " and the HTML attribute
> uses " to contain the value. So effectively you have this:
> value="12" racket"
> So the value trims after 12 and then has racket" after it.
> There are two ways round this:
> 1) Hacky - use value='$row[4]' which will allow you to use " within the
> data
> 2) Better - use htmlentities on the data before displaying it for editing
> using ENT_QUOTES to convert quotes to HTML entities. Browsers will
> display the proper character and allow editing as if it's a single
> character.
Thanks a Bunch. (NC too)
Used 2) - not very strong at coding - but I am rather obsessive.
Still Having a Ball
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