Posted by Martin Edwards on 05/21/06 00:45
Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> dorayme <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> scripsit:
>> Gosh! What is going on here to justify such a vicious reply?
> Do you mean your trollometer needs calibration? Here are some signs,
> general and specific:
> 1) crossposting
> 2) not using one's full name in the From field
> 3) using an E-mail address that suspiciously looks forged
> 4) calling HTML "programming"
> 5) describing oneself as experienced in HTML programming
> 6) presenting something that happened a decade ago as something brand new
> 7) asking a question that indicates lack of basic understanding of HTML
> and/or the phenomenon advertized as brand new, so that people could well
> spend rest of their life listing down e.g. differences between HTML and
> XML, while the troll keeps rolling on the floor and laughing his ass off.
> P.S. Comprehensive quoting is a sure sign of lack of comprehensive
> reading. It's not to be classified specifically as a symptom of
> trolling, just as an example of lack of basic knowledge about or basic
> respect for how people discuss constructively here, on Usenet.
You are ill: get help. The above is my real name, though I am not the
chairman of Manchester United.
You can't fool me: there ain't no Sanity Clause - Chico Marx
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