Reply to Re: Editable forms with 1000 elements

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Posted by Richard Levasseur on 05/20/06 21:52

Not to be mean or troll, but honestly, I have to say that this whole
project is being designed horribly. In the future you should seriously
consider trying to rein in the project (as well as what sounds like
your workload) a bit more. At least so you don't have to post-process
a megabyte of text.

Using javascript to paginate 1000 fields? (Heavy javascript isn't
reliable and is a maintainence nightmare)
Submitting 1000 fields at once? (Overloading the user with data,
potential for a lot of lost time when a crash happens, having to
process so much at once)
Having to post process a 1MB file to change raw html? ( o.O !?!? )

It sounds like you're hacking together a solution for every project.

Great, that works, but you'd be better served by developing some sort
of personal library that would be able to solve reoccuring problems
like this in the future.

And I pray for my nurse who has to load this javascript laden malformed
megabyte of text into their Internet Explorer on the Pentium 2 they're
stuck with. Does reveal a bit more about the failings of our
healthcare system, though.

[Back to original message]

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