Posted by cwdjrxyz on 05/22/06 00:09
code_wrong wrote:
> Object is a horrible mess
> embed is logical and easy to use
I guess this is a personal value call. I find object much more logical,
unlike embed which is a hangover from the browser war era when Netscape
used the non-standard embed and Microsoft used the non-standard
bgsound. Neither tag has ever been an official part of html. IE
eventually supported embed also.
> any chance the w3c will pull their heads out from you know where on this?
About the same chance that an unknown relative of mine will leave me
one billion US dollars. Fortunately Mozilla family browsers, such as
Firefox, do not support bgsound, but they still support embed. At least
they now do not support their old unofficial document.layers. IE
broweser now support both embed and bgsound and the nonstandard
document.all. Although Opera supports the most modern html and xhtml
correctly, it also supports embed, bgsound, document.all, and other,
mostly Microsoftese tags. All of the current main browsers could stand
some house cleaning, although IE is by far the one most in need of
this. After all, html4 replaced 3.2 very many years ago, and even xhtml
has been around many years now.
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