Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 05/23/06 00:27
spodosaurus <spodosaurus@_yahoo_.com> scripsit:
> I'm trying to make a website with a fixed table width
Stop trying that. Problem solved.
> The width is specified using:
> <table width="779">
That's a spectacularly bad choice. Did you ever check what it looks like in
Print Preview, for example?
> This works fine in the latest version of mozilla, 1.7.13. However, in
> IE6 it renders as 955 pixels.
So? You're not giving any relevant facts like the URL, so I give just the
general answer: that's how things should be expected to be. Different
browsers work differently. Do you realize what the width attribute _means_?
It is the suggested minimum width. On the other hand, you have probably far
too much stuff*) on the page, if the table requires, on some browser, that
much width.
*) I don't say "content", since much of the stuff is probably not content
proper but noise and distraction.
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