Posted by Chaddy2222 on 12/18/69 11:48
Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> Chaddy2222 <rockradio2000@yahoo.com.au> scripsit:
> > The document type decleration (DTD) tells the web browser what type
> > the document is and what set of rules to use when displaying the
> > website.
> No it doesn't.
Yeah well, strictly speeking it doesn't however it does tell a web
browser how to render the page.
The issue has been discussed so many
> times that people are tired of it, so you mostly get answers from people who
> didn't bother checking things out either. Formally, the DOCTYPE declaration
> refers to a DTD, but browsers don't really even read the DTD.
Yeah well, I believe I explained this in my previous post, however I
will admit I am still learning about issues to do with the DTD myself.
But most browsers will read the DTD, however some choose to ignore it,
depending on the browser and DTD used.
> The short answer is that by not using a DOCTYPE declaration exactly as
> specified in HTML specifications, you probably throw Internet Explorer and
> some other browsers into "quirks mode", which means intentionally broken
> (nonstandard) mode of operation. Google for "DOCTYPE sniffing" if you need
> the dirty details.
Yes, I believe I did write something to that effect also.
Regards Chad. http://freewebdesign.cjb.cc
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