Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 01/20/59 11:48 <> scripsit:
> Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
>> Chaddy2222 <> scripsit:
>>> The document type decleration (DTD) tells the web browser what type
>>> the document is and what set of rules to use when displaying the
>>> website.
>> No it doesn't.
> While Chaddy's answer is certainly partial (I too am too bored to
> bother re-posting half of Google) in what way is it strictly "wrong" ?
It is wrong*) because it is contrary to actual facts. That is, neither the
document type declaration nor the DTD**) says such a thing, in principle or
in practice.
*) That is: incorrect, false. I don't know your definition for "strictly
**) DTD = document type definition. "Chaddy2222" apparently does not know
the difference between this and the document type declaration. This is quite
common, but it still makes her or him unqualified to give assistance on
matters like this.
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