Posted by Stephen Adams on 02/02/94 11:48
Bruce Grubb <> writes:
>In article <2006052314452375249-briandpratt@maccom>,
> Brian Pratt <> wrote:
>> is THE most hit site on the Internet.
>> 100 Million members and growing. Trying surfing around some pages with
>> Safari! LOL LOL LOL
>> Isn't the never ending beach ball FUN!!!! What a P.O.S. OS. Can't
>> even check the MySpace pictures on the most popular website in all the
>> land.
>> Keep up the good work Apple.
>Don't blame Apple for having problems with piss poor HTML/XHTML pages. The
> spotted 82 (!) errors on the first page of
> This is also an example of how poorly formated pages can trip
>up validators.
>If the best the Windows supporters can come up with is garbage tagging you
>know they have no case.
True enough. It was pure HELL to get basic stuff for our church website
to work in windows (css menus) without breaking the other browsers. Safari
passes the 'acid test' - does IE? I do my testing mostly in IE and Firefox.
When it's working, I check it on IE. For the most part, it looks like crap
until I hack and hack and hack.
Space Age Cybernomad Stephen Adams (remove SPAM to reply)
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