Posted by ZeldorBlat on 12/18/64 11:48
downlode@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a basic script for querying an ldap server. It works fine from
> my college's production server, but not from another server in the
> network, though I have been assured access should be allowed from
> there.
> It fails at the ldap_bind() function. This function only returns a
> boolean value. How might I retrieve a meaninful error message? Any
> ideas where the problem is likely to lie, with this basic info?
> Here is the code.
> //----------------------------------------------------------------
> $myclient="usernamehere";
> echo "<h3>LDAP query test</h3>";
> echo "<B>Connecting ...</B><BR>";
> $ds=ldap_connect("xxxxx.xxxxx.ac.uk"); // working address supplied
> here...
> echo "connect result is ".$ds."<p>";
> if ($ds) {
> echo "Binding ...(anon)...";
> $r=ldap_bind($ds);
> echo "Bind result is ".$r."<p>";
> echo "Searching for <B>$myclient</B> ...";
> // Search surname entry
> $sr=ldap_search($ds,"OU=STAFF, OU=DS, OU=SEC, O=LINST",
> "CN=$myclient");
> echo "Search result is ".$sr."<p>";
> echo "Number of entires returned is
> ".ldap_count_entries($ds,$sr)."<p>";
> echo "Getting entries ...<p>";
> $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
> echo "Data for ".$info["count"]." items returned:<p>";
> echo "<HR>";
> for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) {
> echo "Full name (fullname) entry is: ".
> $info[$i]["fullname"][0] ."<br>";
> echo "Job title (title) entry is: ". $info[$i]["title"][0]
> ."<br>";
> echo "Common name (cn) entry is: ". $info[$i]["cn"][0]
> ."<br>";
> echo "E-mail (mail) entry is: ". $info[$i]["mail"][0] ."<br>";
> echo "Telephone (telephonenumber) entry is: ".
> $info[$i]["telephonenumber"][0]."<br>";
> echo "Domain (dn) is: ". $info[$i]["dn"] ."<P><HR>\n";
> echo printall($info[$i]);
> }
> echo "<P><B>Closing connection</B>";
> ldap_close($ds);
> } else {
> echo "<h4>Unable to connect to LDAP server</h4>";
> }
> //----------------------------------------------------------------
> Any suggestions welcome.
> Mike
You can get the error or error number of the last command executed with
ldap_error() and ldap_errno(). See the following:
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