Posted by SEOSpecialist on 11/28/17 11:48
dorayme wrote:
> If the folder in which the yourPage.html resides also has the
> image(s) you want, make sure the html has at least this to make
> the pics appear:
> <img src="theImage.jpg">
In addition to David's comment, may I also point out that with the
advent of XHTML (been around for a fair while now) you should also be
closing the tag. However I must agree this would not stop the image
from displaying. On my site I often deal with newbie web designers and
9 times out of ten, this turns out to be a filename case issue or not
specifying a folder name where the image resides. You may also wish to
check that you uploaded your images in binary format, not ASCII.
If you have a URL we could look at, then it would be a snap to
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