Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 12/01/45 11:48
Jan Thomä <kork@insomnia-hq.de> scripsit:
> If i do something like a
> <input type="file" name="foo">
> then the Browser renders a file input field and a button which can be
> used to open up a file selecting dialog.
Typically, yes.
> Is there any way to change
> the default directory which is selected by this file selecting
> dialog?
Not really.
> The HTML standard has a value-property for file input fields,
> but the browsers seem to ignore it.
Indeed. Even Opera doesn't support it any more.
In general, you have no idea of what directories, if any, might exist on
_users'_ systems. You cannot even know whether a particular string would be
_syntactically_ correct in any file system.
> iD8DBQFEdB5jF3VbzQNZCsARArOsAJ9iCgnu9Fw95N6lak/aKlJsy/SOywCfbBsl
> qyiOCyaQzGEGkWQobmwv6wo=
> =Uff7
Gesundheit! (Hint: In Usenet, PGP signatures are worse than noise.)
Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
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