Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 10/01/99 11:48
"dorayme" <> skrev i meddelandet
> In article <4474906b$0$15786$>,
> Frank Olieu <fr@nk.nospam> wrote:
> > _ironcorona_ skrev | wrote | écrivit (24-05-2006 18:52):
> >
> > > You can't put a div into a <h> or <p>, I'm sure there are others.
> >
> > Why use <h> and <p> when you can use <div class="heading"> and <div
> > class="paragraph"> ;-)
If you use <div class="heading"> and <div class="paragraph"> you cannot use
<div class="section"> and <div class="subsection"> (where section is the
first level and subsection is the second) can you?
Luigi Donatello Asero
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