Posted by J.O. Aho on 10/06/63 11:48
Frankly wrote:
> I just dowloaded and did a few tutorials on ms visual web developer 2005
> express. seems like a great tool. but i am like the whole PHP thing.
> I dont really know why and i am to tired to think.
I'm not much for microsoft products when it comes to develop for the internet,
as they tend to generate a broken HTML/javascript that is more or less only
working on MSIE.
There are similar tools that are open source and which more closely follows
standards, which makes that the developed material works on most browsers.
For checking up open source projects, I do suggest you visit freshmeat.net,
where they have a quite large database over projects (not all open source).
> I wanted to ask this group about the whole varchar vs char thing. faster
> searching vs smaller file size.
This ain't anything I'm good at, but I have better experience to get varchar
to work than char, there is a mysql page about varcahr and char with some user
comments too. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/char.html
> I have also done enum in tutorials. imto tired right now to try i am going
> to bed and will try when i wake up.
If the tutorial is written for a specific sql server, then it may use special
features for that sql server, which would make it to fail in mysql or any
other sql server. I do suggest you read the enum page I gave a link in my
previous page to see how enum works in mysql.
> i also found out today that the current version of MySQL isnt free. so i am
> just a point or 2 away from the current free version. lol its 4:42 am.
MySQL don't charge anything for the community version, and the latest version
supplied by my distro is 5.1.7, while you can download for free the 5.1.9 from
Keep in mind that the 5.1 line is still a beta version and may not be that
good to use when stability is needed.
Hope you get a good sleep.
With best regards,
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