Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 09/26/73 11:48
Chrissy wrote:
> Hi all...
> I'v done ok on my first pure html foray (no css)
Bizarre, but I remember you from before so I will let the misconception
> One quick question? :)
Quick answer!
> On my webpage
> http://www.sworde.com/index_files/RealIndex.htm
> I'v placed two ads side by side.
> their code is:
> <!survey>
> <a href="http://www.kqzyfj.com/click-2031147-10358700">
> <IMG
> src="http://www.Sworde.com/index_files/indexpage loan 204 125.JPG"
> width=204 height=125 border=0>
> </a>
> <!loan>
> <a href="http://www.tkqlhce.com/click-2031147-10400195">
> <IMG
> src="http://www.Sworde.com/index_files/indexpage survey 140 125.JPG"
> width=140 height=125 border=0>
> </a>
> problem is on the ie browser,
> A SMALL UNDERSCORE! appears BETWEEN them????
> they're supposed to be touching-side by side
> I'v trippled checked my code
> HOW DO I GET RID OF? :)!!!
That is due to the fact that even though the browser is suppose to
ignore whitespace between html elements, some do not, i.g., MSIE.
Solution: just remove the whitespace, not pretty markup but it works:
<a href="http://www.kqzyfj.com/click-2031147-10358700"><img
src="http://www.Sworde.com/index_files/indexpage loan 204 125.JPG"
width="140" height="125" border="0"></a>
Word of warning, spaces in filenames in URLs need to be escaped
or better yet avoid embedded spaces in names!
Take care,
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