Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 05/27/06 18:55
Frank Olieu wrote:
> _Jonathan N. Little_ skrev | wrote | écrivit (27-05-2006 02:04):
>> But you cannot do that in Win2K and XP, the backed up original versions
>> will replace the counterfeit, it requires a hack to make it work....
> In XP you need to replace /all/ instances of notepad.exe (backed up original
> versions), and at some point, answer 'yes' if XP asks you whether you really
> want to keep the 'counterfeit' (AFAIR).
> But that's not really 'hacking', is it?
You have to disable the SFC first, replace all the hidden compressed
backup versions, if you do not do it exactly or promptly the old Notepad
will be restored...yeah I'd call it a hack.
Take care,
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