Posted by Frank Olieu on 05/28/06 23:43
_Luigi Donatello Asero_ skrev | wrote | écrivit (28-05-2006 19:25):
> Did you read it?
> http://www.n24.se/dynamiskt/fastighet_bygg/did_12709630.asp
Ooops! Fy for faen...
> But it still takes time for me to understand this...
> http://www.epl.ee/artikkel_321486.html?PHPSESSID=a68717c304a75f45de9302eb4b44f187
Finnish! my favorite! (not that I understand anything of it, but it looks cool!)
> I understand. Do you like languages?
Not especially... They're just a necessary annoyance... Had to learn a few
myselv (danish [+ ~swedish/norwegian], english, french {native}, german and a
little bit of breton [+ ~cymraeg]). That's EU you know... a modern babylon tower!
As to formal languages, I'm still at the babbling stage :(
Venlig hilsen | Kind regards | Cordialement
Just socialising...
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