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Re: Table's obsessive behaviour

Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 05/29/06 16:25

Toby Inkster wrote:
> cuj0 wrote:
>> (note: only happens for me in Firefox - doesn't happen in IE)
> Problem seems to happen in Mozilla too, Opera agrees with IE; so I assume
> it's a general Gecko bug, not specific to Firefox. At first, I though it
> could be a quirks mode issue, but adding in a DOCTYPE didn't fix it.
> Oh well, all browsers have their bugs. At least this one is fairly easy to
> work around: you can add in either "float:left" or "clear:left" (or both)
> to the TABLE's style, and it will slip back under the DIV where it belongs.
Must be a bug, if you change the TABLE to another block element, Gecko
will push the block below. This a TABLE if the containing block is the
BODY then Gecko seems to aways expand the BODY to accommodate.
Interestingly if you wrap the floated 100% wide DIV in a fixed with DIV,
if the following block it a TABLE and overflow visible it just pushed
the TABLE outside of the container even if you explicitly set with width
of the table:

<div style="width:500px; border: 1px solid red; overflow: visible;">
<DIV style="width:98%;float:left;background-color:blue;">
<table style="border: 1px solid red; width: 200px;">
<tr><td>some text</td></td>

But change to a DIV and wraps accordingly:

<div style="width:500px; border: 1px solid red; overflow: visible;">
<DIV style="width:98%;float:left;background-color:blue;">
<div style="border: 1px solid red; width: 200px;">
some text

Also noticed if you wrap the TABLE in a DIV, Gecko still will not wrap
until you set a width on that DIV...

Take care,




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