Posted by dorayme on 06/01/06 03:00
In article <6d55$447e42d5$40cba79c$11502@NAXS.COM>,
"Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote:
> Joe wrote:
> > In article <doraymeRidThis-813DDC.08383831052006@news-
> > vip.optusnet.com.au>, doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au says...
> >
> >> I doubt that there is any definition of what a table "really" is
> >> that would capture all the things everyone would reasonably want.
> >>
> >
> > Like I said once before,
> > ..." if you can put meaningful headings on it, it's a table."
> >
> > As a working definition, it'll do me.
> No I would say if the data is arrange in a grid because the data has a
> row|column relationship then its a table, only one column it's a list.
Joe, you can put meaningful heading on simple table layouts, left
navigation and right content. That does not make it a real table
as is commonly meant in alt.html. So as a definition, it would
need to be sharpened up.
Jonathan, it depends what is meant by relationship and data. Data
in a 2 col table with only one row, used for layout, would
satisfy this unless the definition was longer and more complex.
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