Posted by Bent Stigsen on 05/31/06 22:36
mario.lat_ wrote:
> Salve,
> Vorrei usare un wiki (scritto in PHP).
> Sono orientato su Dokuwiki ma mi hanno parlato molto bene anche di TWiki.
> Qualcuno di voi lo conosce?
> quali sono le differenze fra i due?
> Un consiglio?
> Grazie in anticipo,
> Mario.
Babelfish to the rescue...
[translation - courtesy babelfish]
Twiki and Dokuwiki: which are the differences?
Blank, I would want to use a wiki (written in PHP). They are
oriented on Dokuwiki but they have spoken much good to me also about
TWiki. Someone of you knows? which are the differences between the
two? A council? Thanks in advance payment, Mario.
[end translation]
(hoping that the author of the Hungarian phrasebook doesn't work at
Se avete bisogno della traduzione: http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr
I can't help you out with the difference of the two, but
opensourcecms.com has online demos of quite some wikis and cms's,
which might be to your assistance. Unfortunately they don't have a
running demo of twiki, but I have heard good things about tikiwiki.
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