Posted by tom on 05/31/06 20:50
I try to use ajax in my script (php and smarty). I've decided on XAJAX
Anyone use this, especially with smarty?
Well, I did, but I have some problem with presentation data from database...
I get from DB some data, eg. Projects, and I want to print every it name
in smarty tpl file. Without XAJAX it's look like this:
$mysql = new db(....);
$ProjectMapper = new projectsMapper($mysql);
$Project= $ProjectMapper->findAll(); /*this methd get from database
all of my projects*/
//now I have an array of project objects in $Project variable
$smarty->assign('Project', $Project);
....and tpl file:
{section name=i loop=$Project}
<td class="table1cell">{$Project[i]->ProjectName}</div>
How to do this in XAJAX - how to show multiple value from array when I
submit some form?
I want to use XAJAX in search engine - for egxample, I have a form with
input field and user can there write name of project and on submit I
search in DB every projects that name pass to pattern and print it like
above, but of course in with XAJAX...
please help
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