Posted by Dave Gilmour on 05/31/06 22:45
This is really great and I will use it. One question for you
though... There are about 10 sites that I would like to have on 1
table like the one you made. I'd like to get rid of the USGS column.
Where would you suggest I start to figure out how to do this? I'd
like to experiment a little bit with the code you've supplied and
maybe try to add a little more. I'm not a programmer, but I'm going
to try to figure out what each line I don't understand does.
Thanks for your help, this is very close to what I was looking for.
Since I have a little while to spare, I'll go ahead and toy around
with this for a while.
Thanks again!
On Wed, 31 May 2006 15:05:36 +0100, Martin Jay
<martin@spam-free.org.uk> wrote:
>In message <4uop72d4p2slhbgp0n3vdbg7q0594k7393@4ax.com>, Dave Gilmour
><dave.gilmour@comcast.net> writes
>>Hey everyone... I'm looking for some help here.
>>this is my code:
>>$current = array_pop($content);
>>print("<table border=1>");
>>link to actual output:
>Hmmm, it doesn't display very much. :(
>>My question is this. I'd like to format that information so it looks
>>more aesthetically pleasing. Can someone help me out here?
>I've made a few changes and uploaded them here:
> <http://www.spam-free.org.uk/pages/geo_sur.php>
>You can download the source from:
> <http://www.spam-free.org.uk/pages/geo_sur.php>
>Although you may not like my choice of colours. :)
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