Posted by Erwin Moller on 06/01/06 08:03
MS wrote:
> Why do I keep getting this error mesgage on my phpinfo() page trying to
> get PHP and MySQL to communicate? I am running this in IIS.
> Here's what I have -
> My php.ini resides in my C:\WINNT directory. In it, I have removed the
> ';' from the extension=php_mysql.dll.
> Also in the php.ini file I set extension_dir = c:\PHP\Ext
> In c:\PHP\Ext I have the following files:
> libmysqli.dll
> libmySQL.dll
> php5apache2.dll (Do I need this since I am using IIS)?
> php5ts.dll
> php_mysql.dll
> Any help would be tremendously appreciated. I have spent a ton of time
> on this.
> Thanks.
A few common mistakes are:
1) editting the wrong php.ini
Ask phpinfo() which php.ini it is using. Often people edit the one in
c:\php\php.ini. My advise: delete all on your system except one.
2) forget to give readpermissions for IUSR_<machinename> to all files and
directories in use.
3) You did an out-of-the-box install from somewhere. Some suck.
eg: the windowsinstaller distributed at www.php.net will indeed install PHP
on IIS, but you will never be able to add extension (for which they DO warn
in big letters on the side).
Could it be any of these infamous 3?
Erwin Moller
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