Posted by Stan McCann on 11/25/35 11:49
"Starman" <iknowbutidontknow@yahoo.com> wrote in
> Can anybody recommend - aside from WYSIWYG - free editing software
> that allows you to edit/update your pages online. I'm not after a
> stand alone product like Dreamweaver or Frontpage but something that
> allows you to log onto your site and use a user friendly interface
> to edit pages.
Crimson Editor, http://www.crimsoneditor.com/ if your platform is
On linux, I use Kate.
Stan McCann, "Uncle Pirate" http://stanmccann.us/
Webmaster, NMSU Alamogordo http://alamo.nmsu.edu/
Implementing http://blinkynet.net/comp/uip5.html
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