Posted by Todd M on 09/26/21 11:49
On 5 Jun 2006 07:08:10 -0700, TristaSD wrote...
>I wrote a php+MySQL-based reservations system for a local restaurant.
>MySQL is running on AMD Athlon 3000+ 2GHz with 1.5Gb of RAM. The
>system is accessed through Intranet by 4-5 machines.
>The main reservations table weighs only 40k with around 150 entries,
>but I'm getting weird lags in the middle of the pages - half of the
>table loads ... LAG! ... then the other half loads. This is especially
>annoying considering the table will contain around 3,000 - 5,000
>entries per year, entries older than 2 years will be removed.
>The lags persist on MySQL server (locally), so it's not a network
>issue. The lags are espeically bad when I do a query like "SELECT
>name, phone, notes FROM reservations WHERE date > %today%" - it
>literally takes 5-6 seconds to pull one row.
>I don't use "SELECT ALL" queries, my tables are optimized, etc.
Wasn't sure if you've tried it yet but indexing your tables can really improve
the performance on your select queries. Don't have to index everything, but
would probably want to do the columns you look up the most.
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