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Re: Bloggish Things Of Varying Sorts

Posted by Veronica Karlsson on 10/14/27 11:49

Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >> >> I am, huh? Well, why don't you just throw a lil tantrum about it,
> >> >> Spittles.
> >> >You're the one making lots of insults.
> >> "No, YOU are!"
> >>
> >> LOL...could you POSSIBLY sound any more like a whiney little third
> >> grader? ^_^
> >You *are* making lots of insults.
> "No, YOU are!"
> He, he, he...I'm not sure which is funnier, the fact that you don't
> even realize you're being mocked, or the fact that you DID IT
> AGAIN...LOL...

You may be "mocking me", but the question is *why* you are doing that.
You are trying to turn a technical discussion into a generic flame
thread. You are trying to turn the focus of the discussion away from
that web page you made. I conclude that there is something in the
original discussion that you feel uncomfortable about.

> >> >I just poi<COCK SLAP>
> >> I'm REALLY not interested in hearing you try and "explain" yourself to
> >> me, Stupid.
> >That agressive snipping indicates that you didn't like what I wrote,
> "aggressive snipping", huh? LOL, okay Dr. Phil, I think it's time for
> a commercial break and for you to pop another Xanax.
> >and that what I wrote hit a nerve.
> Uh oh, look out, she's on a slippery slope!
> >Hmmm...
> >
> >*clicks back to original post*
> >
> ><unsnip>
> >
> >> > I just pointed out that you got
> >> >into a discussion and then ran when it got a little too difficult for
> >> >you.
> >
> ></unsnip>
> >
> >Hmmm...
> Even when you unsnip it...I still don't bother to read it. Sorry,
> try, try again.
> >> >> I'm sure you'll dream up whatever your failing little ego needs to get
> >> >> you by, Deary.
> >> Uh oh, you didn't reply to that part, does that mean you're spanked?
> >> LOL
> *Hatter takes Veronica over his knee and spanks her bottom beet red.*
> >> >(quite frankly, I don't believe in your bad memory on this point)
> >> Oh it's not bad memory, it's just I don't care enough to even bother
> >> committing it to memory. Half the time I don't even take the bother
> >> to look at the nyme of the person I'm replying to and then I usually
> >> just skim through their post. As I've said before, my readership is
> >> in no way dependant on the fruit kook to which I'm replying to, you're
> >> merely the canvas for my word art.
> >Let me refresh your memory:
> <snip>
> Let me refresh yours, Stupid:
> Oh it's not bad memory, it's just I don't care enough to even bother
> committing it to memory. Half the time I don't even take the bother
> to look at the nyme of the person I'm replying to and then I usually
> just skim through their post. As I've said before, my readership is
> in no way dependant on the fruit kook to which I'm replying to, you're
> merely the canvas for my word art.

No, I do not believe in your bad memory. No, your kind of flaming is not
"word art".

Oh, I almost forgot:


Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> >> ...if they didn't like em, why would my ranking continually increase?
> >Is this "ranking" based on something human, like interviews with users,
> >or some kind of technical measurement, like "hits" or something? IOW,
> >what does it *mean*? (clue: "many hits" != "readers like it")
> Look, Veronica, I'm not your babysitter and I'm certainly not your
> instructor. If you don't know how something works, you're just going
> to have to go and try and learn it on your own. Honestly Veronica,
> there's like six and half MILLION hits for "Alexia" in a Google
> search, figure it out, mmmkay?

Your claim is that your ranking increase because of people liking your
site design.

* "Like" is a human thing, not a technical one.
* "Hits" is a technical thing, not a human one.
* Lots of hits does not automatically mean that people
like a site.
* People will put up with a lot of nonsense to get to
interesting content (which I don't doubt that you have,
e.g. I've seen your colourful cookies and that animated
dancing foot).

> >> So what sucks about it?
> >Do you think it would be a good idea for me to tell you that? Surely
> >it's enough information to tell you that it does suck?
> Hey Peavey, I thought you said Veronica has some actual CRITIQUING in
> this post that I'm apparently "unable" to reply to?
> Maybe lil Veronica just got kinda stumbly and confused about my REALLY
> BIG question. Here, I'll try it again...slower this time:

No, seriously, *why* should I tell you about it? You seem to get upset
when I don't. (There's a clue there...)

> Now, either you HAVE a critique...or you have a witless little
> NONpinion. Or I suppose in your case you have an extraordinary shitty
> backpedal of an "explanation" for your deficiency.
> >> >What? You mean, like, communicating with you and tell you *why* it
> >> >sucks? Why should I do that?
> >> Well, for starters NOT looking like a bumbling fuckin retard...then
> >> again maybe you're okay with that. *shrugs*
> >That doesn't answer my question.
> Well, you never answered mine, Kiddo:

There is something that sucks about it, yes. Do you want me to tell you
what that is? OK, you seem to want that, but *why*?

> >Is there some reason why I should
> >motivate why my opinion is what it is?
> The key word here is OPINION...which is in fact not a critique AT ALL.
> I mean, there are some people who have the opinion that the moon
> landings were fake and that wearing tin foil hats will prevent the
> aliens from probing your mind. In other words Veronica, opinions are
> like assholes, everyone's got one. Why you would think yours was more
> important than everyone else's I'm not quite sure. I mean, if you
> don't like my sites...don't visit them. *shrugs* Just a lil free
> cl00 for ya, I didn't make any of my sites for people who don't like
> them, I made them for the people that do. HTH! ^_^

I'm not some random visitor who stumbled in through google or something.
I'm a reader of a discussion group where you put a page on your site up
for discussion.

> >> >> The majority of you pathetic fools couldn't even
> >> >> DREAM of creating a site as advanced as some of the ones I've put
> >> >> together.
> >> >1. advanced != good
> >> You sounda like...cave man
> >>
> >> lika teh...advancement
> >>
> >> *grunt* *grunt*
> >>
> >> Fire...pretty...but burn stupid caveman
> >>
> >> *grunt*
> >>
> >> good
> >The fact that your tool is newer does not automatically make the things
> >you build with it better.
> It's not that the tool is new, child, it's that the tool itself *IS*
> better and in the hands of someone with enough skill, better things
> can be built.

What makes you think that you have enough skill? AFAICT you lack some
very fundamental skills.

> The bottom line is that with my level of skill and
> ability I can create unique, graphic rich sites with the maximum level
> of portability and usability.

So you think portability and usability is important? And you think that
page of yours has those things? I claim that it doesn't.

> You...well you can't really do much
> outside of HTML v2, can you? It's like I said in a blog entry a few
> days back:
> :There's no room to snit about "minimalist" design, if you want plain
> :black text on a white background, write a fuckin RSS feed for your
> :shit, then get over your deficiency and build a REAL
> :website...*snicker*...if you can. `, )

Example of Real Website:

> >> >2. I have seen no evidence of your page being "advanced".
> >> Cupcake, you're so the fuck far outta yer league you wouldn't know
> >> advanced if it suddenly crawled the fuck up yer ass and EXPLODED.
> >The page did not look one bit "advanced" to me.
> Then let's see you build one like it. I mean, if it's *SO* easy and
> all, let's see you build a straight Flash site with integrated PHP and
> database functionality. Let's see some graphic and animation work
> from you too. I mean, if it's *SO* easy, you should be able to whip
> up a site just like it in just a few minutes, ne?

Why would I want to build a site like yours?

> Oh hey, Veronica...feel stupid...then lie about it. ^_^
> >> >You posted the link in a newsgroup. You got comments. Live with it!
> >> You got your comments ripped apart and then got all smacked up like a
> >> stupid bitch. Pull up yer wet lil Huggies, dry yer eyes and learn to
> >> fuckin deal already.
> >Your page still sucks.
> The point isn't so much that you think my "page" sucks, it's WHY you
> think it does...

Yes, that is the point. I'm glad you've figured that out. The question
is, *why* should I tell you? :-)

(And yes, that is *page*, I'm still really only talking about that one
page, not your entire site.)

> and the fact that you're still crying your eyes out in
> yer wet lil Huggies and throwing a tantrum seems to be all the WHY one
> needs to see.


> >> Oh, I guess that's spank again, huh? Tsch, tsch, tsch...running away
> >> from the conversation like that. ^_^
> *Hatter takes Veronica over his knee again and soundly blisters her
> lil red ass.*
> Whose yer daddy, Bitch? Now get the fuck down on all fours and show
> us how much YOU dick.

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