Posted by Chung Leong on 09/27/58 11:50
Skrol29 wrote:
> Hello,
> It can be very usefull to code:
> $obj = new stdClass;
> Unfortunately the few that the documentation officially tells about
> this class is:
> ******************************
> The name stdClass is used internally by Zend and is reserved. You
> cannot have a class named stdClass in PHP.
> ******************************
> It seems that some Pear packages instanciate this class.
> But should we do the same for code intended for public releases?
> --------------------------------------
> Skrol29
> --------------------------------------
Not that I'm aware of. I vaguely remember that it was called something
else in PHP 3, something like phpStdClass.
It's probably better to let the object autovivicate.
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