Posted by Yandos on 06/06/06 20:59
Hi all,
I'd like to work with a binary file....
I read the whole file into variable (it conatains binary data from 00-FF):
// and then I'd like to check if it contains special binary sequence, let's say bytes "00 01
02 03":
if (preg_match($replacestring,$content)==0) {
echo("bad input file format");
but i get error message:
<b>Warning</b>: preg_match(): No ending delimiter '/' found in <b>test.bat</b> on
line <b>57</b><br />
I think it is maybe because php uses strings terminated with null, but can i force php to
use strings with predefined length for example? Is there a way to work with strings
containing null characters?
Thank you in advance.
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