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Re: Website cleanup

Posted by Stan McCann on 06/07/06 15:28

"Alan J. Flavell" <> wrote in

> On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, RICHARD BROMBERG wrote:
>> Their work habits were no better than mine and now there are dozens
>> of images that were uploaded to the Host and likewise dozens of old
>> HTML files that are completely orphaned, i.e. nothing references
>> them.
>> Does anyone have a suggestion or know of a utility that will
>> identify these unused files so I can clean up the site.

> Personally, when getting rid of believed-to-be-orphaned files, I
> set their filemode on the server so that the HTTPD cannot read them,
> and then watch out for any corresponding errors in the logs for a
> while, before finally deleting them. That way, it's easy to
> reinstate any that weren't really orphaned.

I do something similar. Rather than messing with file attributes, I
rename the files placing a common extension on all files. That way, I
can delete the whole lot in one go by deleting everything in the web
space with that file extension. I usually use a file extension like
6.7.6 so somepage.html becomes somepage.html.6.7.6 and somegif.gif
becomes somegif.gif.6.7.6; same for jpg, css, php or whatever. Maybe
not better, but a bit different.

Stan McCann, "Uncle Pirate"
Webmaster, NMSU Alamogordo



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