Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 06/07/06 14:36
Stuart Palmer wrote:
> I want to create a web page using divs only (rather than tables)
> unless this really isn't possible.
It is certainly possible.
> Basically my design consists of a centrally aligned content space of
> 760px wide, however, to the left will be colour X and to the right
> colour Y, the whole page needs to span the width of the browser
> window
Um, wait a minute. 760px is about as wide as a browser window can be on
an 800x600 monitor. What will happen to the side columns?
> and the 760px content space should not resize (otherwise it
> will mess up my design).
Unless you can show why this 760px absolutely must be exactly that wide,
then I would have to say your design has flaws.
> So the colours to the left and right are in effect background colours
> that resize to the size of the browser window at a 50/50 ratio (so
> they are the same size).
What is in these side columns besides colours? Any worthy content?
> I have found lots of examples on the www using 3 column versions with
> resizable content space, but the left and right sides are fixed
> widths.
Here's a template that I like. Play with the sizes.
-Warning: I brake for lawn deer
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