Posted by Veronica Karlsson on 06/07/06 23:41
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >Your claim is that your ranking increase because of people liking your
> >site design.
> Actually I never made that "claim" it was YOU who made that ASSERTION
> based on what I posted.
[Hmmm... I wonder why the following list was removed...]
> > * "Like" is a human thing, not a technical one.
> > * "Hits" is a technical thing, not a human one.
> > * Lots of hits does not automatically mean that people
> > like a site.
> > * People will put up with a lot of nonsense to get to
> > interesting content (which I don't doubt that you have,
> > e.g. I've seen your colourful cookies and that animated
> > dancing foot).
> >> Maybe lil Veronica just got kinda stumbly and confused about my REALLY
> >> BIG question. Here, I'll try it again...slower this time:
> >>
> >> So...what...sucks...about...it?
> >No, seriously, *why* should I tell you about it? You seem to get upset
> >when I don't. (There's a clue there...)
> Side step, side step, backpedal, side step...oh what a lovely dance
> you're doing my dear, would you care to dance for me again?
You want me to tell you what sucks about your blog page. And I reply by
asking why you want to know what it is I'm thinking about. I know that
answer is a bit cryptic, but it is a serious answer.
> >> Now, either you HAVE a critique...or you have a witless little
> >> NONpinion. Or I suppose in your case you have an extraordinary shitty
> >> backpedal of an "explanation" for your deficiency.
> Apparently your choice was "extraordinary shitty backpedal". ^_^
> >> Well, you never answered mine, Kiddo:
> >>
> >> So...what...sucks...about...it?
> >There is something that sucks about it, yes.
> You sure are slow, aren'tcha Veronica?
If you can figure out what it is that irritates you about my not telling
you what sucks about your page then you also have the answer to what it
is that sucks about your page.
> >Do you want me to tell you what that is?
> You're going to have to come up with a reason first, Kiddo...and fuck,
> we could be here all MONTH waiting for THAT to happen. LOL
So you would prefer it if I told you what it is I'm thinking about
instead of just pointing at your stuff and saying it sucks without
motivating why?
> >OK, you seem to want that, but *why*?
> I already explained "*why*" you chromosomal deficient, yeesh, wake the
> fuck up and learn to read.
You did? I must have missed that.
> >> The key word here is OPINION...which is in fact not a critique AT ALL.
> >> I mean, there are some people who have the opinion that the moon
> >> landings were fake and that wearing tin foil hats will prevent the
> >> aliens from probing your mind. In other words Veronica, opinions are
> >> like assholes, everyone's got one. Why you would think yours was more
> >> important than everyone else's I'm not quite sure. I mean, if you
> >> don't like my sites...don't visit them. *shrugs* Just a lil free
> >> cl00 for ya, I didn't make any of my sites for people who don't like
> >> them, I made them for the people that do. HTH! ^_^
> >I'm not so<SLAP>
> > I'm not some random visitor who stumbled in through google or something.
> > I'm a reader of a discussion group where you put a page on your site up
> > for discussion.
> No, see, after that lil paragraph you pretty much just got your
> virtual ass handed to you, you were just too Jesus killing stupid to
> realize it. Pretty much at this point anything you post further is
> just going to be campaigning for virtual pity points from all yer lil
> online "friends".
> >> It's not that the tool is new, child, it's that the tool itself *IS*
> >> better and in the hands of someone with enough skill, better things
> >> can be built.
> >What makes you think that you have enough skill? AFAICT you lack some
> >very fundamental skills.
> The skill to look like an idiot is not something that I believe will
> be of much help to me...unless maybe I want to start "designing" sites
> that look as horribly stupid as yours.
What does looks have to do with anything? It's not the looks that sucks
about your page.
> >> The bottom line is that with my level of skill and
> >> ability I can create unique, graphic rich sites with the maximum level
> >> of portability and usability.
> >So you think portability and usability is important?
> So you think portability and usability is not important?
I do think they're important. I'm just a little bit surprised to hear
you say that you think that too.
> >And you think that page of yours has those things? I claim that it doesn't.
> You claim a lot of things...but then, you're an idiot. *shrugs*
> Hey, want me to prove you're an idiot? ^_^
Sure. Go on!
> >> :There's no room to snit about "minimalist" design, if you want plain
> >> :black text on a white background, write a fuckin RSS feed for your
> >> :shit, then get over your deficiency and build a REAL
> >> :website...*snicker*...if you can. `, )
> >Example of Real Website: http://www.rotten.com/
> Is this the part where I point out that, that site doesn't even have a
> DTD tag
I wouldn't know. I never looked at its code.
> and then you drool at the mouth and scream, "DUH UH TEH
Yes, they have lots of interesting pictures! (I think you may be on to
something here.)
> Uh oh, yer not as clever as you thought you were, huh?
> Of course maybe you WERE referring to the actual code, in which
> case...WOW...boy you just proved that you're an idiot all on your own!
I was referring to the site as a whole. It may not be absolutely
"minimalist" but it is not far from it. It is also quite popular (and I
can say that without checking any stats sites). You can have a lot of
opinions about rotten.com but it is definitely a Real Website.
> >> >The page did not look one bit "advanced" to me.
> >> Then let's see you build one like it. I mean, if it's *SO* easy and
> >> all, let's see you build a straight Flash site with integrated PHP and
> >> database functionality. Let's see some graphic and animation work
> >> from you too. I mean, if it's *SO* easy, you should be able to whip
> >> up a site just like it in just a few minutes, ne?
> >Why would I want to build a site like yours?
> You know kid, you really should try and get a new tactic, cause the
> whole, "play the innocent retard and respond to post fragments in
> order to avoid looking stupid" bit...yeah...you REALLY don't do it
> very well. See the idea behind that is to NOT make it
> obvious...woah...guess you just missed that meeting, huh?
No, seriously, what is it about your site that is so wonderful that I
should want to copy its style?
> >> Oh hey, Veronica...feel stupid...then lie about it. ^_^
> Lie about it, Stupid, not run away from it.
> >> >Your page still sucks.
> >> The point isn't so much that you think my "page" sucks, it's WHY you
> >> think it does...
> >Yes, that is the point. I'm glad you've figured that out. The question
> >is, *why* should I tell you? :-)
> >
> >(And yes, that is *page*, I'm still really only talking about that one
> >page, not your entire site.)
> Oh so you like the rest of my sites, huh?
I haven't seen the rest of your sites.
> Tell me Veronica, just how
> many pages are you sucking off EXACTLY? I mean, can ya give us a
> number? A gross estimate maybe?
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